1. We feel the love and support of so many family members and friends. Several of them participated in a special fast and a family prayer for Merlynn, which we appreciated so much!
2. We've always felt peace as we've knelt and prayed together and expressed our fears and concerns to our Heavenly Father.
3. We're thankful that this type of cancer is probably a slow-growing kind and we'll likely live many more happy years here in mortality together.
4. We feel blessed that when the doctor who performed the CAT scan was about to send us home, thinking the masses in Mer's liver might be tangled blood vessels, he miraculously found an old CAT scan from Merlynn's 2004 kidney stone at the last minute. He noticed Merlynn's liver was free of lesions at that time, which led him to believe Mer's tumors were not blood vessels after all. He performed an immediate biopsy. This allowed us to get the proper diagnosis right away, before Merlynn had any symptoms, giving us more time to study our options.
5. It appears Merlynn will not have to endure the sickness, distress, and the side-effects that come from chemo and radiation treatments. We're happy about this.
6. We're so grateful I was inspired to buy out my last year of teaching and retire in July. This will allow me to be with him every step of the way without the worry of having to miss school or prepare for substitutes.
7. I'm feeling incredibly thankful to have been blessed with the world's greatest husband! Heavenly Father gave me someone who is a perfect match! I love him so much!